Finally, after the whole apply for streamyx fiasco, the toturous wait for them to get back from perhentian, the finding memory card reader thingy, I finally got the prom pics from Wrnwrn! Finally, all 62222kb of it (yupz, you've read it right, it's 60.8Mb), glory hallelujah! So, be prepared folks because this whole post is going to be full of bandwidth sucking, time consuming prom pictures!...uploading...
So anyways, prom was officially on 17th of June (one day after my birthday to be precise - which means no buffet at shogun with the family because you don't eat heavy before prom, nope, you don't!) and then whole night basically resulted in a lot of picture taking, enough to result in 60.8Mb of pictures! haha
And no, I shall only upload a few because I'm not that cruel as to suck up so much bandwidth...
Wrnwrn and I, that's the first, err...second? picture we took that evening.
Karen, Sian Yee, Wrnwrn and I the ahem during library group. Haha, you know what we did that time with the phone. ;D
Jaclyn and I. The earrings do match her outfit because i persuaded her to buy them, yeah!
Wrnwrn and I at some wall at the hotel, and I shall give credit to our "professional" photographer, Tee Da Yuan.
That's me, after we climbed up, down and around JW just to find a nice setting for more PICTURES!
Wrnwrn, Felix and I. Definitely the first picture I've taken...I think...
Soon Teck, Wrnwrn, Ek Wyn and I. Ek Wyn definitely looks different with his hair like that.
Keegan, Wrnwrn and I. Another one with an outstanding hairstyle. Hmm..never notice that..haha
Wrnwrn, Myat and I because I was too bored and decided to do something random.
Haha, I finally decided to take a picture with Ron and give him a hug too! I think the world is coming to an end soon. Haha...
*toot*-Tee Da Yuan! He looks like he's sitting here but he's actually crouching down for the sake of my height. Hehe, and I bullied him to do it!
Wrnwrn and I, the guys - Sing Kwan, Juin Nik and Sing Ming. This was a pretty funny picture because half of us were staring upwards (myself inclusive) and the other half staring at the camera. I wonder why...
Alvin! Another guy we bullied into lowering his height, though he looks like he's at his natural height, right?
Our ex-Prom King number 1, beloved class rep that chases me, beloved treasurer for cash every single time - Gan Kok Shen!
Ex-Prom King number 2, beloved assistant class rep who never really did much until we practically forgot we had an assitant class rep - Daniel Chua Ming Wei!
Harpreet and I. Sheesh, another tall guy...
Ah, Justin, (^_^)V?
Ian and I, another overly spiky hair fella...too smart for his own good.
Alex and I, ex-classmate.
Me at room 1001 doing the Felix imitation of 1001. Notice the change in clothes? Haha, went clubbing...shhh..don't tell... I lied a little about not uploading a lot of pictures. I was tempted and I never handled temptation well anyways so, ta-da. Plenty of pictures! Ah, last but not least,
Nicholas and I. Wrnwrn was taking the picture and telling Nicholas smile there, look here, don't smile like that! Haha...
Ah! Stole this one from Nicholas, though I don't remember taking this. I like this one better. Definitely...ack, both would do fine.
Labels: prom